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Thanksgiving Survival Tips For Snorers

November 16, 2021

Filed under: Uncategorized — brianna bloom @ 12:00 pm
man snoring and woman covering her ears

Although it feels like 2021 just began, the year is officially winding down and Thanksgiving is right around the corner. Thankfully, many of us will once again be able to enjoy time with family, cooking and drinking, and reflecting on all that 2021 brought our way. For some of us, though, the holidays reignite a particular kind of anxiety: being the family snorer.

If you’re here reading this, chances are you’re either “the snorer” or have to endure acoustic proximity to “the snorer.” Holiday stress is real, and even more so when you suffer from snoring or suffer because of someone else’s snoring. What people may not realize is that:

  1. Extreme snoring is almost certainly an underlying medical condition that needs to be addressed
  2. Holidays can worsen sleep disturbances.

For more mild snorers, there are a couple of strategies that may help stave off a particularly rowdy bout of snoring. Here are a few gentle suggestions you can offer the offending party (before the turkey takes effect and causes an overwhelming urge to lay down on the couch for a nap).

Limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.

While it’s certainly true that alcohol aids in relaxation – the very property that makes it appealing when spending prolonged time with family – alcohol also inhibits one’s ability to stay in a deep, restorative sleep, interrupts your naturally occurring sleep patterns, and exacerbates sleep breathing problems, potentially worsening the severity of snoring. Partake conservatively in the provided spirits, and maybe even switch to that delicious, celebratory sparkling cider to have with dessert.

The same goes for caffeine. While it’s very tempting to have a second (or third … or fourth) cup of coffee post-meal, caffeine intake can negatively impact sleep hours after you’ve had your last cup, resulting in the same impact on your snoring you tried to avoid by limiting alcohol consumption. So don’t be afraid to indulge in the morning, but maybe rethink that decision as the sun begins to set.

Choose foods that promote healthy sleep.

The starch and carb-filled platters that generally complete a full-course Thanksgiving buffet may fulfill our wildest Thanksgiving dreams, but may not be as enjoyable when you’re tossing and turning later that evening. Thankfully, there are plenty of foods found on a typical Thanksgiving menu that not only keep our bodies happy and healthy but allow us to maintain healthy sleep, as well.

Foods such as turkey, broccoli, whole grains, leafy greens, and beans, as well as some of our favorite dessert and snack items (ie. dark chocolate, nuts, and cheese), contribute to healthy, restful sleep. (Find a more comprehensive list of foods here.)

The important thing to remember is not to overindulge. While turkey will lull us to sleep and provide us with many necessary nutrients, too much protein – or too much of anything, really – can worsen sleep. A balanced plate equals balanced sleep!

Don’t go from the kitchen table to the couch.

Realistically, we understand that it’s impossible to totally avoid potatoes, mac and cheese, and other starch-filled foods that await on Thanksgiving. Knowing this, we highly recommend going outside for some light physical activity instead of bee-lining for the couch once you finish off those notorious Thanksgiving seconds.
Play catch with the kids, take the dog(s) on a walk, or even opt to stand instead of sitting while watching that evening’s big game. A little physical activity will help your body’s digestive processes, which in turn will allow you to sleep more soundly later that evening. The holiday season is the perfect time to consider what’s ahead for the new year.

If you or a loved one has been struggling with persistent snoring or fatigue, or any of these tell-tale sleep apnea symptoms, having your sleep evaluated by a sleep specialist will help uncover the underlying cause of one’s sleep issues and is the first step to finding an effective treatment option.

In the Dallas-Fort Worth area? Don’t hesitate to reach out to Sleep Dallas! You can schedule your appointment online or by calling us at 844-409-4657.