4 Dangers of Untreated Sleep Apnea in Frisco and How to Treat It
March 12, 2019

You don’t have time. Your snoring isn’t that bad. It’s okay if you don’t get good sleep. The excuses for not getting sleep apnea treatment could go on and on. If you consistently snore and wake up still feeling tired after a full night’s rest, you may brush it off as no big deal and try to live with it. But doing so can lead to more than just daytime drowsiness. You could suffer other serious, ill effects to your health and safety. Seeking treatment helps you get restful sleep and prevent potential negative health risks. Keep reading this post to learn more about just a few examples of the dangers of untreated sleep apnea in Frisco and how to get relief.
(more…)When Snoring Becomes a Concern
October 15, 2018

Maybe you’ve heard from your partner that your snoring is keeping them awake, or maybe your snoring is waking you up in the middle of the night. Either way, you suffer from a snoring problem that impacts every aspect of your life — from your low productivity during the day to your lack of restful sleep at night. Snoring can be caused by many factors and it’s important that you seek medical advice if you suffer from it on a regular basis. The good news is that once you identify what is causing your snoring, you can begin to treat the problem and find peaceful sleep again.
(more…)Sleep Deprivation & the Immune System
July 27, 2018

You can’t remember the last time you got a good night’s sleep. You find yourself getting sick quite frequently, catching a cold or flu, or generally just feeling under the weather. You chalk it up to having to run around for your busy schedule and the fact that you go to bed at a different time every night, but you’re not quite sure what’s really causing you to feel run down all the time.
(more…)Alcohol: Sleep Aid or Sleep Hindrance?
May 23, 2018

It’s not rocket science: a good night’s sleep makes you feel good, energetic, and productive, while a poor night’s sleep often makes you feel anxious, foggy, irritable, or even downright sick. And, in fact, it’s true that sleep is inextricably linked to a number of health factors. People who get enough sleep typically maintain and lose weight more easily, have better memory and cognition, and are more productive. They also reduce their risk of depression, heart disease, stroke and diabetes as compared to those who do not get enough sleep. Sleep is so important that the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes insufficient sleep as a ‘public health problem.’
(more…)Key Findings from Our 2018 Dallas Sleep Survey
April 18, 2018
It is well-researched and widely accepted that sleep is a major contributing factor to overall health and wellness. Yet, when compared to other factors like diet and exercise, it is an often overlooked or compromised priority that takes a backseat in the cadence of our daily lives. According to the the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than one-third of American adults are not getting enough sleep on a regular basis. In Dallas, the 2017 American Fitness Index report showed that only 67 percent of Dallas area residents were getting the recommended minimum of seven or more hours of sleep per day — one of several factors contributing to Dallas ranking 38th of 50 on the index, which measures health and community fitness at the metropolitan level in the United States. (more…)
Sleep Soundly: Creating the Perfect Sleep Environment & Bedtime Routine
March 14, 2018

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), one-third of adults in the United States get less than the recommended seven hours of sleep each night. And that’s despite the fact that it’s well-researched and widely accepted that adequate sleep is a major contributor to our overall health and well-being, physically and mentally.
Clearly, there are various factors that contribute to one’s sleep habits and ability to get sufficient sleep, but two key factors over which we have (almost) complete control are our sleep environment and bedtime routine. Even just a few tweaks to our bedroom and/or lifestyle habits can have a significant impact on our sleep quality.
(more…)Dallas 30-Day Sleep Challenge Basics
January 11, 2018
You’ve probably noticed that a good night’s sleep makes you feel good, while a poor night’s sleep can make you feel anxious, foggy, irritable, or even downright sick. And, in fact, it’s true that sleep is linked to a number of health factors.People who get enough sleep typically maintain and lose weight more easily, have better memory, cognition, and productivity, and reduce their risk of depression, heart disease, stroke and diabetes as compared to those who do not get enough sleep. Sleep is so important that the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recognizes insufficient sleep as a ‘public health problem’. (more…)
Join the 30-Day Sleep Challenge for the New Year
December 29, 2017
Make Sleep a Priority in 2018
Join the 30-Day Sleep Challenge
Dates: January 13-February 11, 2018
Challenge is FREE & open to all Dallas-area adults
Register Here
2018 is upon us and many of us are thinking about ways to improve our health and well-being in the coming year. Health goals typically revolve around diet and exercise, which are indeed important, but even more foundational to our health is SLEEP. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, an estimated 1 in 3 American adults don’t get the recommended 7 or more hours per night of sleep.
Patient Story: Sebastien’s Fatigue Was Affecting His Family
October 26, 2017

Sebastien’s story is very similar to many people’s who suffer from undiagnosed sleep apnea. He spent years dealing with persistent fatigue coupled with morning headaches and constant lethargy. His wife endured his nightly loud snoring, though she eventually had to resort to using earplugs to get a good night’s sleep.
(more…)Patient Story: Drowsy Driving Compelled Ellwyn to Seek Sleep Apnea Treatment
September 27, 2017

Meet Ellwyn. He’s one of a number of people who suffered from the effects of sleep apnea for years without discovering a solution. He was always groggy, found it impossible to sleep restfully, and even caught himself falling asleep at the wheel. Ellwyn knew that his condition was negatively impacting his health, but he was frustrated by the ineffective treatments he had tried. Desperate, he came to Sleep Dallas to endeavor, one last time, to find an answer.