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Sleep Testing

Sleep Doctor Gives Tips on Sleep

September 19, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Testing,Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — sleepdallasnew @ 8:56 pm
woman with sleep problems talking to a sleep doctor

Everyone has a sleepless night occasionally. You’ve got something on your mind, one of the kids is up with a fever, a loud thunderstorm, or the person sleeping next to you is snoring. Any of these can keep you awake. Fortunately, research shows that not sleeping every now and then is relatively harmless. However, if you’re awake night after night, then there’s a problem. Las Colinas sleep doctor Dr. Kent Smith at Sleep Dallas can help. Let’s begin with what you can do at home to set yourself up for a restful night. Follow these suggestions to establish a healthy sleep routine.


Sleep Testing in DFW: Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

August 19, 2016

Filed under: Sleep Testing — Tags: , , , — sleepdallasnew @ 12:42 pm
results of a sleep test

Marco knew something was different, but he couldn’t put his finger on just what it was. He was constantly exhausted, irritable, and was often confused throughout the day. And his partner was feeling the effects, too — she was having trouble sleeping due to Marco’s loud, chronic snoring. He talked to his doctor and decided to have sleep testing in DFW performed. And you know what? Marco says it’s the best decision he could have made. After examining the results of the sleep test, his sleep doctor told him he had sleep apnea — and with that diagnosis came treatment.
